Content State Technical Library – its origin and history from
1718 till 1945 ... p. 61-74
E. Sošková
State Technical Library is one of the most important Czech technical
libraries managing large collections and providing modern and complex
information services to its users. History of the Library is dated back
to 1718, when technical college of the Estates was established. State
Technical Library provided library and information services especially
for teachers and students of Czech technical colleges and universities
until 1945 (therefore it was called Library of the Technical
Universities of Prague till 1960). The article traces this eventful
history and is focused especially on library historical status,
collection development and funding (including detail information about
historical book holding), library place of business and major
personalities who influenced the library history significantly.
Keywords: State Technical Library, history 1718–1945, technical
libraries, the Czech Republic

Evidence based medicine and its influence on work of medical libraries
and information centres ... p. 75-81
A. Jarolímková
Evidence based medicine (EBM) is a trend that builds on application of
medical research results during process of clinical decision. EBM
influences not only courses of treatment diagnosis etc., but work of
medical libra-ries and information centres as well, mainly in the fields
of information resources, information retrieval and information literacy
of the users. New types of information resources like synopses and
syntheses and changes in using traditional resources like bibliographic
databases are connected with EBM. EBM also makes demands on formulation
of search strategy and use of filters. Correct application of EBM
depends on physicians’ information literacy, therefore EBM opens a space
for development of users’ training programmes in libraries and
information centres. EBM principles are currently being applied also in
the field of library and information services and processes.
Keywords: evidence based medicine, EBM, medical libraries and
information centres, information resources, information retrieval,
users’ information literacy

International identifier ISAN for audiovisual works and the inception
of their international registration system ... p.82-88
E. Bratková
The article brings information about newly published international
standard ISO 15706 (ISAN) and the birth of the international system for
audiovisual works identification and registration. First parts of the
article are devoted to delimitations of identified entities (i.e.
abstract audiovisual works and their expressions), typology of
audiovisual works, the structure description of the international
identifier ISAN and methods of its allocation. The text compri-ses
selected examples of audiovisual works/expressions to which the number
ISAN can be allocate. In the following parts the attention is devoted to
a succesive formation of the global system for audiovisual works
identification and registration. In recent time the ISAN system
compri-ses the ISAN International Agency (ISANIA), residing in Geneva
within the Association of International Collective Management of
Audiovisual Works (AGICOA). The first six audiovisual works producer’s
associations (from France, Spain, the USA, Sweden and Switzerland)
submitted the application to be appointed as registration agency ISAN.
Metadata for audiovisual works registration and recent stage of the ISAN
database compilation are cha-racterized in details.
Keywords: audiovisual works, international identifiers, International
Standard Audiovisual Number (ISAN), international system for audiovisual
works registration (ISAN system), ISAN database, metadata for
audiovisual works
Czech edition of Amendments 2002 (AACR2R, 1998 revision) (Z.
Nováková) ... p. 89-91
eIFL Direct programme in Czech libraries in
2000–2003 (H. Nová) ... p. 92-95
Elsevier – high-quality combination of publishing, information
products and services in STM (D. Kindl) ... p. 96-100
Report from the INSPO 2004 conference (L. Skolková, T. Chmelař)
... p. 101-102
„My book“ – „the Big Read“ in the Czech Republic ... p.
Childern’s book fair in Liberec (D. Petrýdesová, L. Skopová, E.
Koudelková) ... p. 103-104
Subject retrieval in a networked environment (J. Skolek) ... p.
Modern Information Retrieval (V. Sklenák) ... p. 105-106