Fear, hope, and information in the 21st century (J. Činčera)
... p. 3-6 
Interactive information retrieval (J. Škrna) ... p. 7-19
Interactive information
retrieval (IIR) domain is based on cognitive approach to information seeking. Interactive information retrieval
doesn't mean only the ways of communication between user and system. Information received during online
retrieval affect user's understanding of her/his information problem, query formulation and therefore search
success. Interactive information retrieval systems should support users in information exploration and help them
to achieve better understanding of their information need. Practical research of the IIR is oriented towards
query re/formulation. Theoretical research is concentrated on study of information searching behavior and ways
of affecting user's cognitive state. Some models of interactive information retrieval (by N. Belkin, A. Spink,
H. Xie, P. Ingwersen and T. Saracevic) are presented.
Keywords: interactive information retrieval,
information problem, information need, information exploration, interactive information retrieval systems

information retrieval III.: information services of world database centers (R. Papík) .... p. 20-30
The text of article, 3rd part of cycle on online retrieval methods and services, is focused to an area of the
largest database centers (vendors) as Dialog Corporation, STN International, Lexis/Nexis,
OVID, Genios, etc. The text mentions and briefly evaluates types of databases (bibliographic databases,
full-texts, factual & numerical sources, directories) with examples, also basic search techniques and tools, and
current trends in electronic services of database centers. One part of text is an detailed introduce to the
system of document delivery services via online vendors and producers of databases with instructions how to
reach primary documents and to deliver to end (or final) users. Database centers contains much more
'information' than whole Internet but for most people are unknown their possibilities of effective and more
sophisticated searching, and gathering data and information. Few barriers of using of such services exist Czech
Keywords: database centers, online retrieval services, document delivery services,
types of databases

Are foreign information sources available in the Czech Republic duplicate? (M. Paráková -
P. Bold) ... p. 31-39
The most important idea of this study was to find out the duplicity in
information sources which were obtained within the "Information sources for research and development programme"
of the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport of the Czech Republic. The article deals with covering the
journal titles in the following databases - EBSCOhost, ProQuest 5000 and Periodicals Contents Index as full text
sources and Web of Science as an important bibliographical source in this field. The journal titles contained in
the above mentioned sources were chosen as an unambiguous point of view of this study. The conclusions are very
interesting and demonstrate that the selection of information sources was nearly optimal .
information sources, science and development of science, covering of journal titles

Assessment of the use
of electronic information sources for science and research in universities (B. Katolická) ... p. 40-43 Utilization of multi-licensed ES/Science Direct and LINK/Springer in 2001 (J. Bayer)
... p 43-47 eIFL Direct Project in the Czech Republic in 2000-2001 (H. Nová) ...p. 48-50 OCLC FirstSearch Service Project (H. Hemola) ... p. 50-53 Electronic
information sources: new licence - Know/Europe database (H. Nová) ... p. 54
The present and the future of museum libraries (I. Šedo) ... p. 55-58 Professor Levas Vladimirovas would be 90 in this year (A. Knoll) ... p. 59-60 3rd International Conference e-ICOLC (H. Nová - P. Pěnkavová) ... p. 60-62