Development, tendency and trends in cataloguing in the last four years: from FRBR up to the AACR2R revision
in 2002 (B. Drobíková) ... p. 153-167
The article tries to summarize the development of cataloguing
theory, or cataloguing principles in the last four years. It attends to the study Functional Requirements for
Bibliographic records (FRBR), its advantages and disadvantages, further to the study Logical Structure of the
AACR, its recommendations and following problems, especially to format variation problem and multiple
characteristics problem. An overview of Joint Steering Committee for Revision of AACR discussions about rule
revision according to attained knowledge close the article.
Keywords: Functional Requirements for
Bibliographic Records, Logical structure of the Anglo-American Cataloguing rules, seriality, format variation
problem, multiple characteristics problem, general material designation, Anglo-American Cataloguing rules,
cataloguing rules, revision

Archives of Czech web resources in... (P. ®abička) ... p. 168-176
The Webarchiv project
started in 2000 as a R&D project of the National Library. Its main target was to investigate problems connected
with collection and long-term preservation of electronic information resources. By the end of 2001 the project
team was able to establish a testbed for harvesting electronic resources from the web as well as infrastructure
supporting metadata creation, based on software tools developed with the support of NEDLIB project. These tools
(Dublin Core Metadata Generator and NEDLIB Harvester) proved their quality in this phase and were further
developed to suit the project needs. Although the legal situation concerning web harvesting and archiving by
the National Library is not yet clear in the Czech Republic the project team was able to initiate first harvest
of the .cz domain in April. The harvesting criteria were set very loose to allow for broadest coverage of the
Czech web space. After three months, the Harvester collected about 10 million (0.25 TB) documents from about
30.000 of the total of 117.000 second-level domains under .cz top-level domain. In the near future the whole
hardware and software infrastructure will be developed to allow for faster and even more reliable harvesting.
At the same time, the project tools will also be enhanced and further integrated into the overall infrastructure
of the National Library. Another task for the project team will be to find ways of making the archive accessible
to the public. Hopefully, this will be done with the support of EU's 6th Framework Programme under the European
Web Archive project.
Keywords: WebArchiv, electronic resources, metadata, web harvesting, web

Pricing policy of database centers. History and present (J. Machonská) ... p. 177-190
"How much will
my search cost?" is one of the key questions which online users ask themselves. At the same time it is very
difficult for database vendors to assess an optimal price which could satisfy not only users but also database
producers. This article reviews some of the models used for pricing online services and it summarizes in some
detail start-up costs, charges for the retrieval and output charges, various kinds of discounts and the way the
database vendors notify users of charges. The next part characterizes contemporary pricing policy of 11 database
vendors which apply different pricing policy to their users. Pay-as-you-go, flat-fee and pay-per-view are the
most common charging mechanisms nowadays. Some general trends of online pricing are outlined in conclusion. In
future, pricing differentiation of products and services and flexibility of pricing strategies will be demanded.
Keywords: World database centers, online information services, database pricing

Bibliographic bustle one
hundred years ago (J. ©pét) ... p. 191-195
The turn of the 19th and 20th centuries introduced a
qualitative shift into Czech bibliographical activities. Together with making clear some questions of
methodology was strengthened awareness of its mission and importance as for the development of domestic
scientific work and also for presenting information on achieved results in international measure. The idea of
compilation a national retrospective bibliography remained only as a project but a crisis in publication of a
current bibliography (bibliographical catalogue, Czech bibliography by Tobolka) was overcome. An expansion of
scientific work led to working out branch and retrospective bibliographies (history, technology) as well as
recording bibliography (ethnography, medicine etc.) and also indexes to special periodicals. There were also
laid organisational and methodological foundations to systematic bibliographies of incunabula and manuscripts.
Keywords: Czech national current bibliography, Czech national retrospective bibliography, turn of the
19th and 20th centuries
IFLA Manifesto on the access to Internet
... p. 196-197 10th International ISMN Agency Advisory panel meeting (A.
Jeřábek) ... p. 197-198 Meeting of the subcommision for technology of the UNESCO Memory of
the World programme: consultations between producers and archivists of magnetic tapes and optic disks (A.
Knoll) ... p. 198-199 The first conference of Baltic states on libraries, museums, and
archives problems (A. Knoll) ... p. 199-200 Unification of the Library Association of
the Czech Republic and the SKIP (V. Balík) ... p. 200-201 Ten years of the conference
Libraries of Present (J. Kubíček) ... p. 201-202 Seminar on contemporary music in Brno
(J. Navrátilová, J. Bajerová) ... p. 202 Commission on Library Services meeting (H.
Hemola) ... 202-203 Historian and Database seminar (V. Bartůąek) ... p. 203-204