Pre-requisites for a possible technical solution of a virtual access to cultural heritage (A. Knoll) ...
p. 77-83
The study tries to find a common denominator for visual/digital representations of various
cultural objects, such as documents, 3D museum objects of all kinds, or architectural monuments, archaeological
sites, and monuments of inanimate nature. The result of the analysis of a series of rules describing the
descriptive structure of these objects and their relationship to digital files that represent them - audio,
visual, textual, and video files - is a common structural model, which is based on our experience from the
domain of digitization of rare library documents. The author explains construction of applicable standards from
cataloguing rules to their formal syntactic expression. He stresses on the points of view that are common for
libraries and museums, but he also calls attention on the danger of semantic barriers in an apparently harmonic
environment of similar description standards.
Keywords: visual representation, cultural objects,
libraries, museums, descriptive standards, digitization, electronic formats for compound digital documents

The MASTER standard:
cataloguing manuscripts using XML (Z. Uhlíř) ... p. 84-101
The paper informs about the standard
MASTER (Manuscript Access through STandard for Electronic Records) document type definition. It shows through
practical examples some interesting possibilities of using this document type definition in manuscript work as
well as in historical librarianship. It also deals with questions of paradigm shift that are in connection with
electronic cataloguing.
Keywords: standard MASTER, cataloguing, manuscripts

Continuing of development of the
international system for musical works registration (E. Bratková) ... p. 102-110
The article brings
information about newly published international standard ISO 15707 (ISWC) and the birth of the international
system for musical works identification and registration. In the first parties of the article the author gives
delimitations of identified entities (i.e. abstract musical works or their expressions) and the structure
description of the international identifier ISWC. The text comprises a range of examples of musical works to
which the code ISWC will be allocated. In the following parties the attention is devoted to a succesive
formation of the global system for musical works identification and registration. In actual time the ISWC system
comprises the ISWC International Agency (ISWC IA), residing in Paris within the International Confederation of
Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC), and some agencies regional (LatinAutor, SongCode etc.) and local (Buma/Stemra,
MCPS/PRS, SACEM, SUISA etc.). Metadata for musical works registration and actual stage of the ISWC databases
network development and modern interfaces for information searching are characterized in details.
Keywords: musical works, international identifiers, International Standard Musical Work Code (ISWC),
international system for musical works registration (ISWC system), ISWC databases, metadata for musical works
IAML | Lute music in Emil Vogel inheritance
(M. Študent) ... p. 111-112 Information technology in music documentation (V. Mojžíš)
... p. 112-114 The B.S. Brook Centre for Music Documentation in New York (J. Hůlek) ...
p. 114-115 Contributions of PhDr. Irena Janáčková to Czech music and music documentation
(J. Hůlek) ... p. 115-116
Building national libraries - an Swiss example (V. Balík) ... p. 117-122 The Alexandrian Library
(A. Brožek) ... p. 122-124 The Alexandrian Library - an idea and its implementation (J. Cejpek)
... p. 125-127 DELCIS means Distance Education for Librarians: Creating an Information-Competent
Society (A. Glosienë) ... p. 128-130 Revived connection of library education with the mission of
communities (P. Kánská) ... p. 130-132 Cooperation of the National Library of the Czech Republic
and the Slovak National Library in Martin in historical book collections (J. Kašparová) ... p. 132-134
MARC21 in Czech cataloguing policy (E. Lichtenbergová) ... p. 134-135 Bláhová, M.: Historická
chronologie [Historical chronology] (V. Bartůšek) ... p. 135-136 Hejnová, M.: Pietro Andrea
Mattioli (1501-1578) (V. Bartůšek) ... p. 136-137