Content Integrated access to information through the uniform information gateway (B. Stoklasová -
P. Krbec) ... p. 225-249
The number and importance of electronic resources have increased substantially
in recent years. Contrary to many predictions, their rapid development has not, however, been accompanied with
an overall drop in the number - or importance - of printed documents. That trend has manifested itself in
several disciplines only. The heterogeneous character of information resources and the changing needs of library
clients raise constantly new requirements that libraries have to meet. Libraries thus find themselves on the
"information market" where they must find their place competing with other institutions operating there. In
addition to retaining their traditional functions, libraries should also learn to offer new services that would
be comprehensive and, at the same time, user-friendly and simple to use. The Uniform Information Gateway is an
example of such a service. This paper deals with the UIG's main objectives and content lines. The explanation of
the operating principles of the software used and the characteristics of the international standards demonstrate
that, from the user's point of view, the simple operation of comprehensive services of the type provided by the
Uniform Information Gateway must be based on good-quality software, consistent adherence to international
standards, experience and flexibility of librarians, and vast amounts of work done by them behind the scenes.
Keywords: information gateways, heterogeneous information resources, collection development strategy,
Conspectus, MetaLib, SFX

STM Portal (D. Smetanová,A. - Středová - M. Svoboda - B.
Šmilauer) ... p. 250-261
Besides the development of a navigation Portal for
Science, Technology and Medicine, the LI01018 project of the State Technical Library aims at establishing a
standardized environment allowing a targeted searching and linking of resources. This way the user is given the
opportunity to travel the links from once retrieved resource to other resources that are somehow tied to the
former one. To reach this goal we build the Tertiary database (TB) of available resources and their aggregates,
introduce system-independent protocols for search and retrieval (Z39.50) and for dynamic linking (OpenURL) and
implement the dynamic linking engine SFX. Collection of data for the TB and the statistical evaluation of
available resources usage are mentioned briefly. A generalized version of the Virtual Polytechnic Library (DDS)
system for a complex of co-operating service centers is presented in the conclusion.
information services, electronic journals, portals, document delivery services, dynamic resources linking

Challenge of providing
bibliographic access to remote electronic resources in national bibliographies: Problems and solutions (J.
D. Byrum, transl. by L. Celbová) ... p. 262-268

Electronic dissertations and projects and systems of
their dissemination (E. Bratková) ... p. 268-287
The author in her article analyses and evaluates the
most important systems and projects which make accessible electronic dissertations free on international or
national level. Selected and described are the international "Networked Digital Library of Theses and
Dissertations" (NDLTD), the "Australian Digital Theses Program" (ADT), German national projects "Dissertationen
Online" and "" and French national program for electronic dissertations dissemination. Models of
databases or digital repositories of electronic dissertations, workflows, legislation and copyright issues,
standards, retrieval systems and other questions are discussed. Special attention is devoted to electronic
dissertation formats, especially to SGML/XLM based formats. Three metadata sets for electronic dissertations
(Australian ADT, American ETD-ms and German METADISS) are compared and evaluated. The author summarizes all
important aspects of electronic dissertations systems development in the end and formulates questions to be
discussed among Czech university librarians and other interested experts.
Keywords: electronic
publishing, doctoral studies, electronic dissertations, digital libraries, universities, university libraries 
IFLA and
Czech librarianship (J. Burgetová) ... p. 288-294
International Federation of Library Associations
and Institutions (IFLA) celebrated in 2002 seventy-five years since its foundation. It has grown from the modest
beginnings and laying foundation of a professional organization, with our librarian predecessors (namely Z. V.
Tobolka) taking part, to a large and grandiose world organization with 1800 members in 150 countries. In its
first part, the contribution maps briefly the development of IFLA, presents its contemporary organizational
structure and activities. In the second part, it features the representation of Czechoslovakia (from 1993, of
the Czech Republic) to IFLA and specifies, in relation to the IFLA General Conferences since 1990 and with a
number of references to web pages and literature, the participation of Czech librarians (particularly of the
members of Svaz knihovníků a informačních pracovníků České republiky, or SKIP - the Association of Library an
Information Professionals of the Czech Republic) in these activities.
Keywords: International
Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA); IFLA mission, organization, history; IFLA annual
confederacies; Czech participation in IFLA
IAML | What is it "IAML" and what does it
mean? (J. Hůlek) ... p. 295-298 Further seminar on music libraries (Š. Šimonová)
... p. 298-299 PhDr. Mgr. Blanka Červinková (M. Valtrová) ... 299-300
Floods and libraries (J. Polišenský) ... p. 301-304 Ingenta
(D. Kindl) ... p. 304-307 Can we succeed in creating an ERA? (V. Streit) ... p. 307-311 More attention to European information. The Maastricht Conference - November 28-29, 2002
(J. Hradilová) ... p. 311-313 30th International ISBN Agency Advisory Panel meeting (A.
Jeřábek) ... p. 313-314 Publishers´ international ISBN directory 2002/2003 (A. Jeřábek)
... p. 315 27th meeting of directors of national ISSN centers in Zagreb (J. Bayer) ...
p. 315-317
A set of geographic authorities - a standard for entering geographic retrieval elements
(M. Balíková) ... p. 317-322 Several remarks to the List of unified titles for liturgical
works of the Latin ritus of the Catholic Church (M. Kletečková) ... p. 323-325
Obituary: Doc. PhDr.
Blahoslav Kovář, DrSc. (J. Kábrt) ... p. 326 Searches compiled in the Library Science
Section in 2001 and 2002 ... p. 327