The Development of Czech Cataloging Rules in the 20th Century or, Resisting Foreign Influences (B.
Stoklasová) ... p. 55-62
Czech cataloging rules and their implementation went during the last decade thorough a
revolutionary period, both in the area of descriptive cataloging and subject analysis. The result is
conscientious application of ISBD, AACR2R, LCSH, UDC-MRF, and UNIMARC. The acceptance of international
standards enables s at last to cooperate not only within country (i. e. the creation of the union catalog
CASLIN) but even more so on the international level (e. g. exporting from OCLC and uploading our currently
cataloged and converted records to the utility). This article focuses on rules dealing with bibliographic
description and authority records, whereas subject analysis and exchange formats and their compatibility are
touched upon only tangentially.. Included is also discussion on the historical development in order to better
understand our present situation and the reasons for it.

Authority Files - not only about the Terminology (H. Vodičková) ... p.
This review article in its first part gives short information about the
predecessors of present-day authority files and about necessity of their existence. The 2nd part about the
terminology explains the concept of authority, suggests the definition of the authority file, gives the types
of authorities, describes the structure of authority entry record and the lexical units in the
authority file. The 3rd part gives the survey if the extensive IFLA activities not only in creation of
publication of the concrete authority files (see bibliographic citation), but also in the conception,
methodical and control activities in this field. The last part contents some notes about the beginnings of
authority files in the Czech Republic both in manual and automatic form.

Authority Files of the National Library of the Czech Republic (Z. Bartl) ... p. 71-76
At the end of 1996 the National Library of the Czech Republic presents in it first more
comprehensive authority file on its home page (URL: htttp://
and at the beginning of this year it made available through CD-ROM Česká národní bibliografie (i. e. Czech
National Bibliography - 1998 cumulation, No. 12/98). The National Library came by this move on top of present
effort of the project of building the Czech authority files. The experiences of the European project
AUTHOR (EU-COBRA+) were used and considered as well as recommendations of IFLA (e. g. suggesting new files
within national files 9XXX). Practical use confirmed the need of perservant observance of the extent of
information in bibliographical note so that was not broken raison d'être of authority files - i. e. as the
mean serving to unification of data retrieval. It was also confirmed that building the authority files is
time consuming activity and in the future it will be useful to seek for some possibilities for consistent
cooperation and coordination of producing authority records within framework of all important Czech libraries
(shared grants etc.).

Obstacles Troubleshooting at the Building and Use of the Personal Names' Authority Database
(H. Dvořáková) ... p. 77-80
The ways of the personal names' authority database building at the National Library of the
Czech Republic. Kinds of records included in the database, differences from the UNIMARC/Authority format and
their reasons. Data transfers between the authority and bibliographic databases. main Issues . cross
references a differentiation of the identical headings lacking bibliographic data. What problems the of the
libraries can expect when using the NL authority database of their bibliographic databases (catalogues).
RELATIONS | International
Conference on National Bibliographic Services (B. Stoklasová - E. Lichtenbergová) ... p. 81-87 7th International ISMN Agency Advisory Panel Meeting (A. Jeřábek) ...
p. 88
The Czech National Bibliography on CD-ROM five years after (A.
Brožek) ... p. 89 The general catalogue of the 16th century prints
preserved in Slovakia. II. Prints of the 16th century in piartistic libraries (J. Kašparová) ... p.
90-91 Brief communication ... p. 92
IFLA - brief communications ... p. 93