On the problem of electronic publications (A. Knoll) ... p. 173-177
The article is based on a detailed study of latest publications and on the practical work
of the digitization program of the National Library of the Czech Republic: it is a short introduction to the
world of electronic publications. It calls attention to the newest trends and approaches in their structuring
and use of metadata in compound document. It explains the principle of the object-oriented structure of the
digital document and it recommends use of SGML. A practical typology of digital documents is given and
questions of their preservation and long-term access to them are discussed. The author lists various types of
approaches to handle digital document.

as a new means for the communication of web information resources (E. Bratková) ... p. 178-195 The problems of metadata (information about information) implementation in the overall
communication of web information resources on the Internet are the current and highly discussed question of
today. In the first part the author deals with their basis, functions, forms and meaning. The differences
between metadata and catalogue records are specified. The character of meta- data in the future "semantic web"
as machine understandable information about web resources is emphasized. The core of the article is devoted to
information about the most important foreign metadata formats (e.g. TEl, EAD, CIMI, GILS, IAFA etc.). The
development and current state of the Dublin Core (DC) semantics are presented in details. The last part
introduces the Resource Description Framework (RDF) which is the application of new markup language XML (eXtensible
Markup Language) and which should become the common syntax of many applications including Dublin Core in behalf
of their interoperability. 
A draft for recommendation for library legislation in Europe (V. Richter) ... p. 196-199 The published draft of Recommendations for library legislation in Europe was elaborated by the
Commission for Cultural Co-operation of the Council of Europe. The Recommendations are now subjected to
professional disputes and were also chosen as a theme of two international conferences (in Strasbourg in
November 1998 and in München in May 1999). The international workshop of countries of the East-European
Initiative which will take place in Prague on 19-20 November 1999 will also deal with this theme. It is supposed
that in the following stage the Recommendations will be discussed and approved by a Council of ministers of
culture of the Council of Europe.
Conference on Historical and Scarce Collections of the 16th -
19th centuries in Museums, Libraries, and Archives of the Czech Republic (V. Bartůšek) ... p. 200 CASLIN '99 Workshop (G. Krčmařová) ... p. 201 LIBER annual
conference In Prague ... p. 201
LIBRARIES - IAML | On the activity of the
Czech National IAML Group (J. Hůlek) ... p. 203 Monograph on J. K. Krumpholtz (J.
Hůlek) ... p. 204 Course In machine readable catalogization of music iconography (E.
Paulová) ... p. 205
North-Bohemian region in print on CD-ROM (A. Brožek) ... p. 206
Brief communications ... p. 207