Content Lending of audio documents in libraries Negotiations on contract conditions of lending audio
documents in libraries of the Czech Republic (V. Richter) ... p. 87-88
This series of contributions
on lending of audio documents in libraries presents a summary of negotiations on contract conditions on lending
audio documents in libraries in the Czech Republic supplemented by the documents themselves, a survey report on
lending audio- and audiovisual documents in libraries of the Czech Republic implemented in January 2003 and a
review of dealing with this problem in selected libraries in Europe.
Keywords: audio documents,
audiovisual documents, lending audio documents, libraries in the Czech Republic, libraries in Europe, copyright,
collective administrators 
Lending audio- and
audiovisual documents in libraries of the Czech Republic. Survey report as of January 2003 ... p. 89-93 Lending audio- and audiovisual documents in selected libraries in Europe (V. Richter - V.
Streit) ... p. 93-96 A standpoint to the request of collective administrators to prevent
absent lending of audio documents in libraries ... p. 96-99 A proposal for settling
contract conditions for lending audio documents ... p. 99 
Library on-line and copyright (D. Hartmanová) 100-105
D. Hartmanová
available of documents in digital form via internet is use of work according to Copyright Act, namely its
reproduction and communication to the public. In contrast to traditional library services this use is not
covered by limitations of copyright. This is the question of use which must be authorized by author (or other
rightholder) by licence contract. It must not be only individual contract with one author concerning one work
but it might be blanket licence or collective licence concluded with collecting society that is DILIA for Czech
Keywords: copyright, library, digital distribution, internet, licence
 Information retrieval IV: Retrieval of special
documents - patent information and trade marks (L. Lopezová - R. Papík) 106-113
L. Lopezová – R.
The article presents commercial and non-commercial information resources of industrial property
information and searches of them. Commercial databases which are helpful during monitoring scientific and
technological researches, technological innovations or competitors are mentioned in first part of the article.
The majority of searches are performed in database centres, e.g. Questel/Orbit, STN International or Dialog
Corporation. It is very helpful if we use classifications like the International Patent Classification (IPC) or
Derwent Classifications during searching process. Free of charge databases of patents, trademarks and industrial
designs provided by patent offices (accessible via Internet) are described in details in second part of the
Keywords: trademarks, patents, industrial designs, industrial property informations,
industrial property, patent informations, patent databases, patent searches, database centers, trademark
Technical pictures and transformation
of codicology and bibliology (Z. Uhlíř) ... p. 114-127
The author takes technical pictures mainly in
connection with massive digitization that appeared in the last years. His approach to the problem is based
mainly on Vilém Flusser's „communicology“ and Pierre Lévy's „cyberculture“. The article tries to outline
systematically paradigmatic changes connected with penetration of digital technical pictures and information and
communication technoplogies into codicology and bibliology and also the impacts which it all has on the
institutional structure of the branch and professional education of its employees.
technical pictures, codicology, bibliology, historical librarianship, change of paradigm
Annual conference of the Czech Music Science Society (J. Sehnal) ...
p. 128-129 Music and library seminar in Brno and education of music librarians (J.
Hůlek) ...p. 129-130 Fontes artis musicae to the anniversary of IAML (J. Hůlek) ... p.
NAPLE Forum - a new European association for strategy of public libraries (V. Balík)
... p. 132-134 11th International ISMN Agency Advisory Panel meeting (A. Jeřábek) ...p.
134-135 Libraries in the European Year of Handicapped People (V. Streit) ... p. 135-136 The thirteenth seminar on aquisition (J. Bínová) ... p. 136-137 IFLA
- brief news (I. Štekrová) ... p. 137-138
Czech edition of amendments to the AACR2R (H. Kubalová) ... p. 139
Further topic themes of cataloguing policy (E. Lichtenbergová) ... p. 139 Library of
instruction courses MS Office 2000CZ (A. Brožek) ... p. 140