Content Library services in the electronic environment and copyright (M. Svoboda) ... p. 157–162
The article describes different modes of making documents accessible in the electronic environment.
Substantiates the need of balanced legal protection of interests of entertainment industry on one side and
scholarly communication on the other. Four types of document access are specified and their legal aspects
discussed. On demand electronic delivery of printed documents is discussed in detail.
library services, electronic document delivery, born-digital documents, copyright

Foundations of information science. Review and perspectives
(R. Capurro) ... p. 163–168
Three main epistemological paradigms of information science, namely the
representation paradigm, the source-channel-receiver paradigm, and the Platonistic paradigm, are criticized.
Taking into consideration some basic insights from hermeneutics (Heidegger, Gadamer) and analytic philosophy
(Wittgenstein) a pragmatic foundation of information science is suggested. Information means the possibility of
sharing thematically a common world within specific forms of life. It thus becomes a rhetorical category.
Information science is conceived as a hermeneutic-rhetorical discipline that includes a formal-methodological as
well as a cultural-historical perspective.
Keywords: information, misinformation, information
science, cognitive science, hermeneutics, rhetoric 
Role of libraries in electronic Europe: eEurope+2003 initiative (J. Hradilová)
The electronic
Europe project known as eEurope initiative for EU member states was launched in November 1999 in Helsinki and
officially adopted by Lisbon European Council in March 2000. Candidate countries joined this challenge in May
2000 (eEurope+ initiative). The overall objective of the Project is to bring European citizens online as fast as
possible, to increase their digital literacy and their confidence in electronic communication and at the same
time to avoid social exclusion. The role of libraries in this process can be found in three areas: in building
up the communication infrastructure, as a part of electronic public administration and in a creation of
electronic research networks. In the Czech Republic the objectives of eEurope+ initiative have been covered by
the Action Plan of the state information policy till 2003. Each of the eight priority areas mentioned there
contains the respective eEurope+ objective. Libraries can play an important role in the following priority
areas: „digital literacy“, „digital democracy“ „development of information systems in public administra-tion“
and „communication infrastructure“. These priorities are reflected mainly in the project of the „State
information policy in education“ (Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports) and „Public library information
services“ (Ministry of Culture).
Keywords: eEurope+ initiative, information society, the role
of libraries, Czech Republic

Old printed
books - their storing, preserving, processing, and making available (J. Kašparová) ... p. 173-183
National-wide registration of historical library stocks and making them available is an urgant task not only
from view of history of book culture but also from view of offering relevant/high-quality services to public.
Present state of processing old printed books in the National Library of the Czech Republic is presented mainly
as for the pilot stage of works on retroconversion of the Generral Catalogue I. These works were stopped because
of their demanding nature. Another method of brief cataloguing and re-cataloguing was chosen using some partial
procedures of retroconversion. Due to the necessity of cooperation and common methodology for institutions
processing historical stocks was organized a seminar in this April. This meeting resulted in establishing an
electronic conference and a working group for old printed books of the 16th-18th centuries and the first half of
the 19th century.
Keywords: historical library stocks, old printed books, libraries of the
Czech Republic, National Library of the Czech Republic, cataloguing, re-cataloguing, retroconversion,
Annual IAML 2003 meeting (Z. Petrášková) ... p. 184–185 Accessions and acquisition of music series in the National Library of the Czech Republic
(V. Kapsa) ... p. 185–187 Seminar on present music for the fourth time (J.
Navrátilová) ... p. 187
American academic libraries and revision of academic projects (V. Borovanský) ... p.
Czech internet information sources for human medicine: the National Medical Library database
(R. Římanová - K. Štěchovská) 195–198
Contributions of parlamentary libraries information services
(V. Streit) ... p. 198 Meeting of the Commission for library services (H. Hemola)
... p. 200–199 Obituary: PhDr. Zdeňka Rachůnková (J. Vacek) ... p. 201–202 Remembrance of Věra Jiráková (J. Růžová) ... p. 202
Reviews 203