Content Digital Libraries in theory and practice
M. Bartošek
The article is a general overview of principal theoretical and
practical features of digital libraries described from the point of view
of computer science. It is focused on basic architecture, global
identification infrastructures, metadata, interoperability and resource
discovery in globally-distributed digital libraries. General
characteristics of each feature are amplified on practical solutions of
recent infrastructure of digital libraries. The most important
programmes for digital libraries development are mentioned and selected
bibliography for further study is amended.
Keywords. digital libraries, digital libraries definition and
architecture, metadata, interoperability, global resource discovery,
information objects identification

National library – its concept, function and importance for the society
in the beginning of the 21st century
E. Němcová
The article deals with the concept of „national library” and the
history and state-of-the-art of the definition of its meaning. It
indicates an ambiguous understanding of functions of national libraries
in various times and countries and describes international research and
normalization trends in the field. The functions and role of the
national libraries are analyzed in the historical context and from the
viewpoint of their importance for national and international library
systems and protection of cultural heritage. Typology of the national
libraries including a number of examples is explicated in detail as
Keywords: national library, concept, functions and typology of
national libraries, national library systems, international co-operation

Application of methods of e-commerce in libraries –
theoretical approaches and practical solutions abroad
A. Vaněk
The article describes the present development of electronic commerce and
related business and non-business concepts and activities in libraries,
namely in those with public services. Emphasis is put on the use of
virtual services in which the Internet as a modern technological
instrument plays a key role in implementing of large spectrum of
different activities of electronic commerce. The author notices the
impact of still more and more visible commercialization of the Internet,
which is reflected in the existence of different methods of the
e-commerce. Importance is laid on the explanation of possible methods of
communication among different entities of an existing electronic market,
especially in models B2B and B2C and a task of public library in this
area. The article describes basic principles of business models of
e-commerce, compares and analyses abilities of modern libraries, which
can successfully use all advantages of the Internet, new ICT and trends
for their own benefits. These modern libraries begin to realize a new
way of communication with their users/customers, business partners and
other institutions.
Keywords: e-commerce, Internet, B2B, B2C, financial sources,
fundraising, virtual reference services, e-government, e-publishing

Conception of
libraries development in the Czech Republic for 2004–2010 ... p.
123-151 Complete text of the Conception of libraries development
in the Czech Republic for 2004–2010 introduced by V. Richter (National
Library of the Czech Republic). The Government Decision No 679 from July
7, 2004, adopting the Conception, and Ministry of Culture presentation
report are included. The Conception comprises a detailed analysis of
state-of-the-art of library and information network and services in the
Czech Republic including SWOT analysis; development programmes
supporting library acitivities in the past are evaluated. The Conception
in itself is presented at the end of the document, selected statistical
data concerning libraries and their services are available in the annex.
Keywords: strategic documents, library and information services,
libraries, libraries funding, legislative situation, development
programmes, the Czech Republic
- IAML |
Seminar and session of the Slovak National Branch of IAML in Trnava
(J. Navrátilová) ... p. 278
Choral manuscripts in the Music Department of the National Library
of the Czech Republic (J. Vozková) .... p. 279
Code of ethics of Czech librarians ... p. 282
Education of an information professional for current needs – a new study
programme „Informatics and chemistry“ in the Institute of Chemical
Technology in Prague (M. Nič) ... p. 282
Benedictine library in the Rajhrad monastery (Moravia) – comeback after
the thirty years (V. Jelínková) ... p. 286
Making the catalogues of the Research Library in Olomouc available
online within the Czech Ministry of Culture programme „Science and
research“ (L. Machačová) ... p. 290
11th International Conference Crimea 2004 – Libraries and information
resources in the modern world of science, culture, education and
business (S. Knollová) ... p. 292
Emerging technologies for the cultural and scientific heritage sector
(Z. Uhlíř) ... p. 294
Explanatory dictionary : art, graphics, restoration (A. Richterová)
... p. 297
Fundamentals of collection development and management (S. Knollová)
... p. 298
Castle and palace libraries in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia (J.
Chadimová) ... p. 300